Advanced Puppeteer ways Tips and tricks for using Puppeteer to perform more complex tasks, similar to filling out forms and interacting with web operations

6 min readJan 9, 2023



Puppeteer is an important tool for automating web tasks and testing web operations. It’s a Node.js library that provides a high-position API for controlling a headless Chrome cyber surfer, allowing you to perform conduct similar to clicking links, filling out forms, and taking screenshots. In this blog post, we will explore advanced Puppeteer ways of performing more complex tasks, similar to filling out forms and interacting with web operations. These ways will help you take your Puppeteer chops to the coming position and enable you to automate a wider range of web tasks.

We will cover the following in this post

• Filling out forms with Puppeteer

• Interacting with web operations using Puppeteer

• Tips and tricks for working with Puppeteer.

By the end of this post, you’ll have a solid understanding of how to use Puppeteer to perform advanced tasks and be well-equipped to apply these ways in your own systems.

Filling out forms

One of the common tasks that you may need to automate with Puppeteer is filling out forms. Puppeteer makes it easy to fill out forms by furnishing styles for interacting with form rudiments, similar to textbook inputs and dropdown menus. Here is an illustration of how to use Puppeteer to fill out a simple login form

const puppeteer = require(' puppeteer');
(async () => {
const cybersurfer = await puppeteer.launch();
const runner = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto(' https//');
// Fill out the form
await page.type('#username', ' myusername');
await page.type('#password', ' mypassword');
//Submit the form
// stay for the homepage to load
await page.waitForSelector('.homepage- hello');
await browser.close();

In the illustration over, we use the type system to enter textbooks into the form fields, and the click system to submit the form.

One challenge that you may encounter when filling out forms is handling dynamic forms that are generated by JavaScript. In these cases, you may need to use fresh ways, similar to staying for requirements to be added to the runner or executing JavaScript to manipulate the form. There are many tips for handling dynamic forms with Puppeteer

1. Use the ‘page.waitForSelector’ system to stay for rudiments to be added to the runner. For illustration, you can use “await page.waitForSelector(‘#dynamic- form’)” to stay for a dynamic form to be rendered before interacting with it.

2. Use the ‘page.evaluate’ system to execute JavaScript in the environment of the runner. This can be useful for manipulating the form or rooting data from it.

3. Use the ‘page.waitForFunction’ system to stay for a condition to be true. This can be useful for staying a form to be in a particular state before interacting with it. Debugging form-filling law can be grueling, especially if the form is complex or the runner is heavily reliant on JavaScript. Then are many strategies for debugging form-filling law

· Use the ‘page.screenshot’ system to take a screenshot of the runner and see what the form looks like when your law is interacting with it.

· Use the ‘page.debugger’ system to break prosecution of your law and check the runner using the Chrome DevTools.

Publish the values of variables and form requirements to the press to see what’s passing at different points in your law. By following these tips and strategies, you will be well-equipped to handle dynamic forms and remedy form-filling law with Puppeteer.

Puppeteer JS

Interacting with web operations

In addition to filling out forms, Puppeteer can be used to pretend a wide range of stoner relations with web operations. This can be useful for testing the functionality and stoner experience of web operations, as well as for automating tasks similar to clicking links and buttons. For an illustration of how to use Puppeteer to click a link and stay for a new runner to load

const puppeteer = require(' puppeteer');

(async () => {
const cybersurfer = await puppeteer.launch();
const runner = await browser.newPage();
await page.goto('https//');
// Click the link
// stay for the new runner to load
await page.waitForSelector('.runner-2-content');
await browser.close()

In the illustration over, we use the click system to pretend a stoner clicking the link, and the ‘waitForSelector’ system to stay for the new runner to load. In addition to clicking rudiments, Puppeteer also provides styles for bluffing other types of stoner input, similar to hang events and keyboard input. For illustration, you can use the ‘page.hover’ system to pretend a stoner swimming over an element, and the ‘page.type’ system to pretend a stoner codifying into a textbook field. One challenge that you may encounter when interacting with web operations is testing operations that use customer-side pictures. In these cases, the content of the runner may be generated stoutly by JavaScript, which can make it delicate for Puppeteer to interact with the runner. To work around this, you can use ways similar to staying for rudiments to be added to the runner or executing JavaScript to manipulate the runner. There are many tips for testing web operations that use customer-side picture

1. Use the ‘page.waitForSelector’ system to stay for rudiments to be added to the runner.

2. Use the ‘page.evaluate’ system to execute JavaScript in the environment of the runner. This can be useful for manipulating the runner or rooting data from it.

3. Use the ‘page.waitForFunction’ system to stay for a condition to be true. This can be useful for staying a runner to be in a particular state before interacting with it. By following these tips and ways, you will be suitable to effectively interact with web operations using Puppeteer.

Tips and tricks

In addition to the ways covered in the former sections, there are numerous other advanced Puppeteer ways that you can use to automate more complex tasks. There are many exemplifications

  • Working with iframes: — iframes are HTML rudiments that allow you to bed content from another webpage into a runner. To work with iframes in Puppeteer, you can use the ‘page.frames’ system to get a list of all the iframes on a runner, and the ‘page.frame’ system to switch to a specific iframe.
  • Handling pop-ups and modals: — Pop-ups and models are common UI rudiments that can be delicate to automate with Puppeteer. To handle these rudiments, you can use the ‘page.on’ system to hear for pop-up events and the ‘page.waitForSelector’ system to stay for models to be displayed.
  • Scraping data Puppeteer can be used to scrape data from websites for use in your own systems. To do this, you can use the ‘page.evaluate’ system to prize data from the runner and the fs module to write the data to a train.

In addition to these ways, there are also a many effects, you can do to ameliorate the trust, ability and performance of your Puppeteer

· Use the ‘page.waitFor’ system to stay for specific conditions to be true. This can be more dependable than staying for a fixed quantum of time.

· Use the ‘page.setCacheEnabled’ system to disable the ‘cybersurfer’s’ cache. This can be useful for testing, as it ensures that the runner is always loaded fresh from the beginning.

· Use the ‘page.setViewport’ system to set the size of the ‘cybersurfer’ window. This can be useful for optimizing the performance, as it allows you to load only the content that is visible in the viewport.

By using these tips and tricks, you’ll be suitable to take your Puppeteer chops to the coming position and automate indeed more complex tasks.


In this blog post, we have explored a range of advanced Puppeteer ways for automating web tasks and testing web operations. We covered ways similar to filling out forms, interacting with web operations, and working with iframes and pop-ups.

To recap, some of the crucial ways we covered include

• Using the type and click styles to fill out forms and pretend stoner input

• Handling dynamic forms in ways similar to ‘waitForSelector’ and estimate

• bluffing hang events and keyboard input with hang and class

• Working with iframes and pop-ups using the frames and styles

• Scraping data from websites using an estimate and the fs module still, there are numerous offers available online.

If you want to learn further about Puppeteer and continue developing your chops. Some good places to start include the Puppeteer attestation, the sanctioned Puppeteer depository on GitHub, and the Puppeteer community on Stack Overflow. Now that you have learned these advanced Puppeteer ways, we encourage you to try them out in your own systems. With a little practice, you’ll be suitable to automate a wide range of web tasks and make your work more effective and effective.




Written by Spyde


Tech Enthusiast. Developer. Freelancer.

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